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A reservoir contains the water and dissolved nutrients needed for the plants to grow. This nutrient solution is usually circulated to your system's containers by a water pump.

Future Changes

We are working to revamp the reservoir setup flow. Please review the changelog for migration steps when we announce the changes.

There are multiple benefits to having separate water tanks as reservoirs in the system. It significantly increases the total water capacity of the system. It allows for a central water level gauge to easily derive when a water refill is needed. Furthermore, it can be used as a buffer pool for replenishing nutrients to reduce the fluctuation of nutrient concentration. And, if applicable, the reservoir can be placed in a cool location to maintain an ideal water temperature.

As with devices, a reservoir cannot be shared between multiple systems. Within a system however, the reservoir can be shared between multiple containers which effectively increases the total water capacity of that container.

Reservoir management

View reservoir inventory

To view all reservoirs currently set up, access the

settings via the home page, then navigate to Manage Inventory and Reservoirs.

Add new reservoirs

Reservoirs can be created during the add a new system workflow or through the settings menu.

  1. Access the settings via the home page, then navigate to Manage Inventory and Reservoirs.
  2. Tap the add button.
  3. Choose name and enter the volume of your reservoir and tap the confirm icon to create the reservoir.

Edit reservoirs

You can only modify reservoirs that are not currently assigned to a system. If you need to edit a reservoir in use, remove it from the system first.

  1. Access the settings via the home page, then navigate to Manage Inventory and Reservoirs.
  2. Tap the three dots on the right side of a reservoir and select Edit.
  3. Make your changes and tap the confirm icon to save.

Delete reservoirs

You can only delete reservoirs that are not currently assigned to a system. If you want to delete a reservoir in use, remove it from the system first.

  1. Access the settings via the home page, then navigate to Manage Inventory and Reservoirs.
  2. Tap the three dots on the right side of a reservoir and select Delete.